14 Nov 2016

Bad effects of eating pigs

Disease:Eating pigs causes some diseases like diabetes,osteoporosis,arthritis,asthma,impotence
,heart diseases etc .
Carries virus:Pigs carries tapeworm,HEV,Nipah virus,Menangle 
virus,PRRS etc.
Body effect:It harms your digestive system,respiratory system,immune system,your brain,makes you lazy.It also causes headache,muscle pain,high fever.
Obesity:The meats of pig can cause the obesity.
Cancer:It causes blood cancer,liver cancer,breast cancer.
Sexual problems:It damages your sexual power,which affects your fertility.A very important fact is that pigs carries a gene for which it want's to share his wife with others.If you eat pigs this bad habits comes to you also.

Be careful about it and stop it from today.

Harmful of hearing songs(with music)

Most of people who can't live a day without hearing songs,they think songs(with music) can refreshed their minds.But it is a wrong idea.Here I try to describe some effects

Effects on body:Vibration of sound affects the nervous system,shocks to your muscle in rhythmically  which is bad for the connection of hands,legs,feet with your brain which can cause paralysis.

Music increases the rate of heart-beat which makes your heart weak.Narrows your blood vessel,makes your blood pressure high

Effects on brain:In a research 18 people divided in two groups.
Group 1:no music
Group 2:dis harmonic music 
After two months the neurons(by which our brain thinking) of the people of Group 2 were tangled and damaged but the neurons of the people of Group 1 were normal.Members of Group 1 can solve some difficult mathematical problems.But Group 2 can't solve.

Psychology:Most of the songs are full of emotion and most lines are imaginary.By hearing these lines a person also thinking something this way and turns him out of real life.

So,please stop it.It will be difficult but you have to do it.

13 Nov 2016

Bad effects of overeating

Man eat to live.But overeating is dangerous for health.Here some bad effects of over eating described below.

Digestion:Overeating made effects on digestion.If we eat so much your digestive system couldn't work properly.You feel uncomfortable for this.
Weight gain and obesity:It causes unhealthy weight on your body and makes you obese.
Whole body affected:Overeating causes problems on your respiratory system,immune system.Makes your heart weak.Damages your liver,Kidney,stomach.Causes high blood 
pressure also.
Laziness:It is very important that overeating makes you so much      lazy.You can't do any work properly.