19 Nov 2016

Some amazing/interesting facts about human body

1.There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in adult human body.
2.Jaw muscle is the strongest muscle in human body.
3.Everyone has a unique tounge like fingerprints.
4.Eyes are blinking in waking hours,but the rate may varies person    to person.
5.Human eyes is the best camera.
6.Bones are composed with 31% water.
7.The DNA in your body would stretch 10 billion miles long.
8.In a lifetime human heart pump 1.5 million barrels of blood              nearly,Which can fill 200 train tank cars.

Why you should cut your long nails

Now a days keeping long nails turns to be big fashion.But it is not good for us.I want to try in this post why someone should cut his/her long nails.

Bacteria:Longer nails carrying harmful bacteria and yeast.These bacteria can enter our body through nails at the time of eating.

Pain:Long nails disturbs your natural growth rate of nail.It can causes pain.

Waste of time:Those who have long nails,most of them spend time to maintain it.

Typing:Typing on mobile or desktop is getting hard if you have long nails.

Scratch:It may cause serious scratch on any part of body.Mostly on face while you want to fresh.

Hold things:When you want to hold or grab or grip something you face difficulty.

Health benefits of papaya

Papaya is a kind of fruit which is full with nutrients.For this it is very healthy for us.

Vitamins:It contains Vitamin-C(more than lemons or oranges),Vitamin-A,Vitamin-complex,riboflavin,thiamin,
potassium,calcium etc which is important for our health.

Prevent cancer:Papaya can prevent colon cancer(Japanese research),prostate cancer because it contains beta-carotene.

Digestion:It contains an enzyme named papain,high amount of fiber which makes our digestion easy.

Heart:Potassium,fiber and vitamins in papaya keeps our heart strong.Also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Strong bones:Papaya contains vitamin-k which made our bone strong.If anyone suffers with fractured bone it will be very helpful.