19 Dec 2016

What should and shouldn't do at the time of pregnancy

It is a wonderful feeling for a woman when she is pregnant.But you should be sensible during this period for your new-comer.Need to take care of yourself for your baby.So, you should do and shouldn't do something in this time.

1.Need to take balance diet ,Don't eat much more at a time in this        period.Have your meal time to time.
2.Eat fruits like dates,banana,coconut,grapes,mangoes   ,oranges,pomegranates etc. which has heavy nutritional value.         These fruits helps your baby get enough nutrition.You also try          honey and milk.
3.Drink enough water at least 8 to 10 glasses everyday(it may vary    in winter season).But you should drink water when you feel              thirst.
4.Must be avoid alcohol and smoking.It is very bad for you and           your baby.It causes breathing problems.
5.Try to avoid processed foods,fast foods,chocolate and anything         which is very hot or very cold.

Some Health Benefits of Bottle Gourd

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8 Dec 2016

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Nutrition facts:
Pomegranate contains protein(3%),energy(4%),carbohydrates(14%),fat(6%),Vitamin(C,E,K),calcium,copper,iron,magnesium
zinc,dietary fiber etc which are helpful for our health.

Prevent Cancer:The nutrients of Pomegranate specially helps to  prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer.
This is also helpful for blood cancer,brain cancer,oral cancer,liver cancer,lungs cancer etc.

Digestion:Pomegranate contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers.These helps to smooth digestion.It is also helps to normal your bowel movement.

Immune system:Pomegranate is very helpful who suffers with a weak immune system.It has anti-bacterial and anti-micoral property
which are help to get healthy immune system.

Regeneration of cells:Punicic acid,Ellagic acid,Antioxidant of Pomegranate helps to cell regeneration and proliferation.

Heart issue:Again the punicic acid gives protection against heart diseases and makes the heart strong.

Diabetes:The juice of Pomegranate is very helpful for them who has Type-2 diabetes.It can balance blood sugar levels and 
insulin level.

Cholesterol issue:Pomegranate can decrease the LDL cholesterol which is harmful for our health and increase the 
HDL cholesterol which is good for our health.

Blood pressure:Pomegranate can keep your blood pressure,it is very helpful who has high blood pressure.

In Pregnancy:It is helpful for women when they are pregnant.Because it provides iron which is helpful for lactation and milk production.

Skin Issue:Vitamin-E of Pomegranate keeps your skin healthy and young looking.  

Sex:Pomegranate reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.It can increase the amount of sperm which improves your 
sexual power and fertility.