3 Jan 2017

Some Causes of Belly Fat ,Try to Avoid These

Gaining belly fat is a common problem worldwide.It caused by some unhealthy habits.

Inactivity:It is one of the main cause.A study at  1988-2010 in the US found that there was a significant increase of inactivity.It causes overweight and abdominal girth in  men and women.

  So,you need to do physical work or taking exercise to cut fat.

Lack of Enough Sleep:If you neglect good sleeping habit,it will be bad for your health as well as gaining belly fat.Sleeping more time than needs is also bad.

   So,you should try to get enough sleep, try to sleep early and wake up early.

Overeating:It is a common bad habit.When anyone take much more foods or calories or energies these extra calories can be stored as belly fat.

   So,You should have control over overeating.

Drink too much Alcohol:Researchers claimed that drinking too much alcohol can cause gaining your belly fat.It has many other harmful effects on health also.

  So,try to avoid drinking too much alcohol.

Eat lot of Sugary Foods:Excessive eating of sugary foods isn't good for health.There is a relation between  high sugar intake and increased abdominal fat.It also causes obesity.

  So,try to avoid foods drinks  which contain excessive  sugar like chocolate and soft drinks(coca-cola,pepsi,7up etc)

Stress:This is another reason.It causes belly fat by triggering the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone.”

 So,try to stress free.

Some Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the best milk for a baby.There is no alternative of breast feeding.It is not only important for baby's health but also important for mother's health.

But someone don't know the benefit of breast feeding.They try with other alternative.But no alternative is as helpful as mother's milk.Someone use condensed milk,someone try with cow's milk etc.They think these milk has more nutritional value than breast milk.But it's a wrong idea.

Here I try to describe some health benefits of breast feeding.

Strong Relationship between Mother and Baby:It is important in modern days.Kelly says,"Breastfeeding helps cultivate relationships with other moms ". Breastfeeding guarantees that you and your baby will be in close physical contact 8 to 18 times in every 24 
hours. Kelly adds,"Women are supposed to be sitting together, nursing and taking care of babies."This helps a strong relationship between baby and mother in future.At the age of 60-70
parents need not to go in old home.

Protection from Diseases:An infant-nutrition expert Ruth A. Lawrence says,"The incidences of  pneumonia, colds and viruses are reduced among breastfed babies". It also reduce the risk 
of developing chronic conditions, such as type I diabetes, celiac disease and Crohn's disease.Also reduce the risk of childhood cancer.

  Breast milk is easy to digest for baby.But other milk causes digestion problems.
   By breast feeding a mother can safe from pre-menopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer,osteoporosis (weak bones),cardiovascular disease.

Some Bad Effects Of Playing Chess

People believe that this game can improve brain's health.Someone also inspired students and kids to play chess.Those people who can't play chess ,they think who can play chess is a brilliant person. 
But these ideas are wrong.

This game is actually harmful for mind,body and soul.Here I try to describe some bad effects of playing chess.

Brain effect:When a player play chess ,he needs to do multitasking (multi move) at same time.But experts said that multitasking at the same time is bad for brain.We do it more in mobile phone.Like hearing songs,browse social sites,playing games at the same time.

Anxiety and Stress:It is very common.Someone feel anxious before play  and he stressed when he loss in a game.He is always worried about that.A stress response is also linked to how performance is judged and reported.

Addictive:This game is so much addictive.It is very bad for students.When they are at reading table or in class, they think about the move of chess.When they are loss on this game ,they are very much worried about it.This can also happen with any person not 
only with students.This game could be dangerous as any other drugs which ruins your life.

Waste of  time:When something is addictive ,it also kills your time.When someone losses,he want to play more to win over opponents.Sometimes it take more time in every move.This causes waste of time in every game.

Lastly this game has no similarity in real life.I describe some move of this game.

King: In this game a king can only move his around only one step.But in real life a king can able to go any distance which he need.And when a king is killed the game is over.But in real life a war can be continued after king's death.

Queen:In this game a queen can go everywhere and can move a long distance.But in real life a king can do this.A queen should be stay  in palace.

Rook:In this game a rook can move only in straight line not in a curve way.But in real life a rook can move straight or in a curve way.

Bishop/Elephant:In this game an elephant can move only in curve line not in a straight line.But in real life an elephant can move straight or in a curve way.

Knight/Horse:A horse can move only two and a half step in this game.This has no similarity with real life.

 So,please don't think that this game can improve your brain,it's only a wrong idea.