20 Dec 2016

Some bad habits in our daily life which are harmful for our health.

Health is wealth,we know it.But everyday we do some mistakes which causes harm to our health.I try to describe it below.

1.Eat much more at a time:It is very bad for us.This is the main reason of any diseases.Mainly problems with digestion,high blood pressure,diabetes,heart attack etc.We need to eat a little at a time.Eat several times in a day if you are hungry but not much more at a time.

2.Sleep at late night:This is a great problem in modern days.Especially for social websites like facebook,pinterest,linkedin,google+ etc people are busy in virtual world at night or spend time by watching movies,dramas,sports.Someone busy with playing 
games in mobile,pc. For these activities we go to bed late and wake up late which has bad effects on our health.

3.Peeing with standings:This is bad for our kidney,bladder,prostrate etc.Because by this method the bladder will not empty fully.It has bad effects on our sexual ability also.It causes erectile dysfunction.
Another bad habit is holding the pressure of pee for long time.This is harmful for blood.

4.Pornography & Masturbation:It's so easy now to watch porn anywhere.It may be in home,schools,playing fields,in long journeys or other places .It increases the rate of masturbation specially the teenagers.You hardly believes the harmful effects of Pornography & Masturbation on our health and mind,also in society.

5.Allow harmful rays:We spend much time with PC,Mobile,television,camera,play station games or other electric devices.But these devices performs with harmful rays which is bad for our skin and causes many diseases.These affects our 
eyes also.

6.Hearing songs:Songs with loud music causes high  blood pressure,problems with hearing ,affects the brain also.But don't think that songs with low or classical music is good for us.

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Why You Should Pee by Sitting Down

Pee is a very common activity in our daily life.It is good for our health because by this process the unnecessary things gone out from our body.I think most of the people of the world do it without sitting down.But they don't know how harmful it is 
for them.Here I try to describe the bad effects of do it by standing.

1.Prostate Problems: Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that who are sitting down at the time of pee ,they have no risk to suffer Lower Urinary Tract disease symptoms to pee with greater force.It creates "a more favourable
urodynamic profile" which helps ward off Prostate Problems.On the other hand who do it by standing they will suffer with prostrate problems(it is a matter of time).

2.Kidney Problems:When someone peeing with standing some pee stored in and this can cause stone in kidney.

3.Effects on sex:Men who is peeing sitting down can able to fully empty their bladder,which is better for prostrates and help to have a healthy sexual life.But the person who do it by standing ,he harms his sexual power and fertility.
     Medical research reported in Sweden’s Folket newspaper said that sitting might mean reduced prostate cancer risk and be better for you in the bedroom.

4.Zipper problems:Many persons have experience about it ,it hurts very much and sometimes it is very dangerous.The persons peeing with standing faces the problem more.

5.Bad smell all over:Peeing by standing splatter giving a bad smell all over. When you remain in standing then,  pee will spread over various portions, and causes a very bad smell.

Another important thing is that you shouldn't hold up the pressure of pee.It is so bad for men and women.It has harmful effects on our blood.

So,All of you please do it by sitting down

Some Negative Effects of Homosexuality

It is natural that human being feels attraction on his/her opposite gender.Creator creates this attraction on us. They fulfil their sexual demand by others and it's a pleasant way.By this way they can get a child.
   But in modern days some people want to do sex with same gender.This is not a good sign for society.There are so many negative sides of homosexuality.I try to list here some of them.

Physical Health:Lesbians and Gays are at higher risk of STDs(Sexually Transmitted Diseases).
Australian STD clinic found that lesbians are three to four times more likely than heterosexual women to have sex with men who were high risk for HIV.
Dangerous Diseases:It causes some dangerous diseases like

        *Anal Cancer
        *Chlamydia trachomatis
        *Giardia lamblia
        *Herpes simplex virus
        * Human immunodeficiency virus
        * Human papilloma virus
        *Isospora belli
        *Viral hepatitis types B & C

Mental Health:There are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide
 attempts, among gays and lesbians. This is true even in the Netherlands, where gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships are far more socially acceptable than in the U.S. Depression and drug abuse are strongly associated with risky sexual practices that lead to serious medical problems.

Life Span:Life span of gay men concluded that gay and bisexual men lose up to 10-20 years of life expectancy.

Monogamy:It means long term sexual fidelity,particularly among gay men.They said that sex outside the relationship within the first year and nearly 90% if the relation lasted five years.

19 Dec 2016

Some Bad Habits Which Harms Your Digestive System

Proper digestion is very important for our health.If this system is disturbed ,it causes damage for our health.We can't get accepted improvement of our body,though we eat healthy foods 
and fruits.So,we need to know by which habits our digestive system get affected.

Overeating:This is the main reason.When anyone eat more than he need.His digestive system get affected.The digestive organ can't work properly.The best way to eat divide your stomach in three 
equal parts.One for foods,one for water and other part of stomach should be empty.

Drink water just after eating:Most of us do this,But this is a wrong habit.Drink water after 10 minutes minimum.Drink water often during eating is also a bad habit.

Bathing just after eating:This is another bad habit.It causes lower your body temperature than you need for your digestion.You should wait at least half an hour.You should take bath before eating
if needed.

Wearing Tight Clothes:Now a days most of the people wearing  tight clothes to make them look slim,young and smart.But it's not a good idea.This types of clothes put extreme pressure on  abdomen,this can contribute to heartburn.So,try to wear comfortable and loose clothes.

Do any hard task for brain:If someone attempts to do any  task which is hard for brain,it may solving a difficult math,memorize something ,playing mind games etc.These activities  creates pressure on brain  and  disturbs the nerves which are used for proper digestion after eating.

Bad sexual habits:Someone who is addicted on pornography and masturbation,he is in great risk to face problems with digestion.Please try to stop these bad habits.This can ruin 
your happy life.Don't do sex just after eating also.

Smoking:It is known to all that smoking is bad for us.It affects our digestive system also.Smoking just after eating causes heat burn by relaxing  lower esophageal sphincter. It also causes irritable bowel syndrome and stomach ulcer. Colon muscles are affected also.
Loosen the belt:After overeating someone loosen their belt,but it's a bad habit also.This habit causes big bulking belly.

Watching Television:Do something during eating has negative effects on digestion.Like watching television,playing games on mobile or other device,busy with social sites,reading newspaper or textbooks .These activities makes busy your nerves to 
concentrate with other things rather than digestion.

So,try to avoid these bad habits to make proper digestion and lead a healthy life.

Some related article
  Rules of eating

Bad effects on Health of Wearing Tight Clothes

Now a days most of the people want to wear tight or skinny clothes.We wear tight clothes to look slim, beautiful and young.We think that it makes us smart.But it's not good for our health.The harmful effects of wearing tight clothes are so many.

 Effects on blood circulation:When anyone wearing tight jeans or any other clothes which is tight,this causes compression of our muscles and nerves  of our body .For this reason blood can't 
circulate in normal pressure in vein and artery(by which the blood circulate) .It causes high blood pressure and serious damage after a few days.

Abdominal pain:Sometimes we wear dresses which  is stick to our stomach.It creates pressure on our stomach,as a result it causes pressure on abdomen which causes a lot of pain.The natural digestion process is also disturbed for this reason.So,we should be careful about this and avoid using tight dresses or belt.

Back pain:Recently ,most of the people prefer to wear low waist tight jeans .This type of  jeans compress our back muscles and restrict hip movements.It creates pressure on our spine and back,it can causes lot of pain.So,try to avoid this type of clothing to save your spine.  

Tingling Thigh Syndrome:Also known as Meralgia Paresthetica.It is one of the most common nerve disorders.When someone wearing tight or skinny jeans ,it causes compression of nerve on the thighs,which is the reason of tingling or burning sensation.

Compartment syndrome:It is a condition that results from increased in a confined body space.Few days ago a 35 year old woman legs had swelled up badly and her ankles become so weak that she couldn't walk.The doctors found that this woman spent her 
day by wearing a pair of tight pants.It can happened with anyone .

Yeast Infection:Yeast allergies causes itching and scratchy sensation on skin,sometimes it becomes painful  and frustrating.When someone wear tight clothes,it prevents circulation of air on skin which helps to yeast production.

Sex and Fertility:It is most important.Researchers claim that the use of tight clothing causes a decrease in sperm quality sperm count of 60 million per milliliter usually has now dropped dramatically to the figure of 20 million per milliliter.So,it is clear that it causes
harmful effect on fertility.Tight pants also put extreme pressure on penis which is so bad.
     Doesn't think that women are safe.They are also in risk who 
wears tight clothes.

So, be careful about wearing clothes.Try to avoid tight pants,jeans,belts or others.

What should and shouldn't do at the time of pregnancy

It is a wonderful feeling for a woman when she is pregnant.But you should be sensible during this period for your new-comer.Need to take care of yourself for your baby.So, you should do and shouldn't do something in this time.

1.Need to take balance diet ,Don't eat much more at a time in this        period.Have your meal time to time.
2.Eat fruits like dates,banana,coconut,grapes,mangoes   ,oranges,pomegranates etc. which has heavy nutritional value.         These fruits helps your baby get enough nutrition.You also try          honey and milk.
3.Drink enough water at least 8 to 10 glasses everyday(it may vary    in winter season).But you should drink water when you feel              thirst.
4.Must be avoid alcohol and smoking.It is very bad for you and           your baby.It causes breathing problems.
5.Try to avoid processed foods,fast foods,chocolate and anything         which is very hot or very cold.

Some Health Benefits of Bottle Gourd

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8 Dec 2016

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Nutrition facts:
Pomegranate contains protein(3%),energy(4%),carbohydrates(14%),fat(6%),Vitamin(C,E,K),calcium,copper,iron,magnesium
zinc,dietary fiber etc which are helpful for our health.

Prevent Cancer:The nutrients of Pomegranate specially helps to  prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer.
This is also helpful for blood cancer,brain cancer,oral cancer,liver cancer,lungs cancer etc.

Digestion:Pomegranate contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers.These helps to smooth digestion.It is also helps to normal your bowel movement.

Immune system:Pomegranate is very helpful who suffers with a weak immune system.It has anti-bacterial and anti-micoral property
which are help to get healthy immune system.

Regeneration of cells:Punicic acid,Ellagic acid,Antioxidant of Pomegranate helps to cell regeneration and proliferation.

Heart issue:Again the punicic acid gives protection against heart diseases and makes the heart strong.

Diabetes:The juice of Pomegranate is very helpful for them who has Type-2 diabetes.It can balance blood sugar levels and 
insulin level.

Cholesterol issue:Pomegranate can decrease the LDL cholesterol which is harmful for our health and increase the 
HDL cholesterol which is good for our health.

Blood pressure:Pomegranate can keep your blood pressure,it is very helpful who has high blood pressure.

In Pregnancy:It is helpful for women when they are pregnant.Because it provides iron which is helpful for lactation and milk production.

Skin Issue:Vitamin-E of Pomegranate keeps your skin healthy and young looking.  

Sex:Pomegranate reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.It can increase the amount of sperm which improves your 
sexual power and fertility.

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Hearts health:High monounsaturated fat diets LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.This is good for our hearts health.A study showed that the intensive users of olive oil who used it cooking and dressings had a 41% lower risk of stroke than who didn't use olive oil.Extra virgin oil is considered as an anti-inflammatory food as well as protector of cardiovascular.

Diabetes:Mono-saturated and poly-saturated fat has effects on insulin sensitivity which helps to reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes.

Cancer prevention:Researchers found that probably high olive and olive oil consumption in southern Europe represents an important contribution to the beneficial effects of cancer prevention.Olive oil contains antioxidant which prevents cancer.

Breast cancer:It is so common in western countries.A diet rich in fats causes this cancer.Virgin olive oil contains Oleic acid,
monounsaturated fatty acid,anti-oxidants which are gives
protection against breast cancer.

Depression:Olive oil contains healthy fats which can balance our
hormone and has anti-inflammatory effects.These can reduce 
the risk of depression.A study in 2011 by Las Palmas University found that mono-saturated and poly-saturated fat intake had an inverse relationship with depression risk.

 Brains Health:The brain is largely made up with with fatty acids.Like other sources of healthy fatty acids,olive oil also contains fatty acids.Olive oil is considered to be a brain food 
which helps to improves focus and memory.

Skin health:Olive oil can protect skin from UV light damage,exposure to toxicity,food allergies and free radicals.Extra virgin olive oil is helpful for preventing acne and eczema.

Sex:Massage of olive oil on your penis helps to stronger your penis.It provides many nutrients and improve blood circulation on it.You need regular massage for this purpose.Olive oil also reduce vaginal dryness to make sex comfortable.

Health Benefits of Lychee

Nutrition facts:It contains energy(66 kcal),carbohydrate(16.53gms ,sugar(15.23 gms),protein(0.83gms),vitamin(B1,B2,B3,B6),
vitamin-C,calcium,magnesium,manganese,potassium etc which are essential for our health.

Prevent Cancer:The compounds polyphenolic and  proanthocyanidins in Lychee can neutralize free radicals.Free radicals causes cancer,premature aging,cognitive disorders,heart diseases etc.  

Digestion:The dietary fibers of Lychee helps to increase our digestive health.Also helps bowel movements to move on digestive track smoothly.It reduce constipation.

Heart diseases: Lychee can reduce LDL(bad cholesterol) and increase HDL(good cholesterol).It helps blood flow to the heart and reduce risk of heart attack and hypertension.

Effects on health of using computer

No doubt about that the Computer is a great invention of science.It can save our time,do something so easily for which a human being need thousand of years.But having many positive effects for us today,it has some serious effects on our health.

Vision problems:Long time uses of computer can cause vision problems.It is called CVD (Computer Vision Syndrome).The reduced or high level of contrast of background,glare of computer screen cause stress on eyes.some other problems are eye strain,headache,blurred vision etc.

Physical health:Using computer for long time causes arms pain,neck pain and wrists pain.By using computer keyboard for long time you can suffer with muscle pain.So take break time to time.

Radiation effects:Many computers have Cathode Ray Tube which send X-ray radiation.It causes cancer,tumor ,abortion,insomnia,
birth defects etc.So,use it far from your body as much as possible.

Problems with sleeping:Long term using at night cut your needed time of sleeping.By which you suffer with drowsiness,face difficulty to give concentration on something,also depression of immune system.

Addictive:Many people get addicted on it.They are keen to use social media and want to see something new.Some others playing games,it is so bad for students.Some others addicted with pornography,it leads cybersex.

So,be careful about it and use it properly to save yourself from bad effects of it.

24 Nov 2016

Bad effects of watching horror movie

Huge number of people in this world are very much keen to watch 
horror movie to get some exiting or horror feeling.There are also
 some person who know that if he/she watched it he/she can't live 
a natural life for few hours or days.You hardly believe that a 65 
year old woman in India died when she was watching conjuring-2.
Here I listed some harmful effects of watching these type of movie.  
1.Stress:While watching horror movie,stress hormones such as cortisol released to the counter the stress induced.

2.Digestion problem:It affects your digestion system,because the enzymes or hormones could not work properly,when you get fear.

3.Heart risk:Heart patients must be careful,because horror movies causes increase your heart rate,which may result in heart attack.

4.Sleep and fear:When you close your eyes to sleep,the scenes of the movies appear on you and you got afraid to sleep.

5.Phobia:By watching portrayed in horror movie,you may develop phobia towards animals.Such as blood,water,insects,fire,reptiles.

6.Changes of behavior. Watching horror movie including bloody scenes in it have the chances of getting affected by the violence and horror of the movie which in turn transforms the behavior of a person.

Harmful effects of chocolate

It is difficult to find someone who doesn't like chocolate.
But most of the cases processed food isn't good for our health.
Chocolate is also one of them.Here I described some bad 
effects of chocolate.

Gain weight:Most of the chocolate contains so much sugar and fat.The added sugar in chocolate has no nutritional value,it causes
weight gain and heart diseases according to the American
Heart Association.
Diabetes:The carbohydrate in chocolate can cause spikes
in your blood sugar,which may lead to Type 2 diabetes.
Cavity:Excessive sugar in chocolate causes tooth decay
and cavity problems which often send you to the dentist.
Caffeine effects:The caffeine of chocolate causes many problems
such as sleep problems,nausea,vomiting,anxiety,depression,
Dark chocolate contains more caffeine than milk chocolate.
Headache:Chocolate can causes headache for migraine 
sufferers.But who has no problems with migraine,they are
not risk free at all.
Acne:If you have problems with digestion,the carbohydrate
of chocolate may cause acne.

22 Nov 2016

Health benefits of Grapes

It is a popular fruit in this world.There are many types of grapes.Such as red,green,purple.All are so healthy 
and so much delicious.

Nutrients:Grapes contains vitamin-A,vitamin-C,
vitamin-B6,potassium,calcium,iron,magnesium,phosphorus which
are essential for our health.
Weight loss:Grapes contains small amount of calories.So,
it is helpful for them who want to loss weight.But don't
worry who are thin.
Cancer:Antioxidant of grapes helps to prevent cancers.Such
as blood cancer,lung cancer,prostate cancer,pancreatic 
cancer,pharynx cancer,breast cancer etc.
Heart:The potassium and fiber of grapes make our heart
strong.Reduce the risk of stroke.Also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

How to stop addiction on pornography/watching porn

Pornography is a big problem worldwide.It has thousands of harmful effects on a person and society.Though we know that it is harmful,we are addicted on it.Here I try to discuss some ways to stop it.

Take decision strongly:It is very important that you should stay in your decision.It is easier when you know the harmful effects of pornography.
Destroy your collection:Delete your collection on computer or mobile or other devices.Throw away pornographic discs,magazines or others material by which you can attracted on it again.
Install software:Use anti-porn software on computer,mobile.Such as Qustodio,Microsoft Family Safety,Norton Family online,Covenant Eyes.
Busy with other activities:Don't waste your time by doing nothing.When you do this you feel bored,alone.It can cause you to watch it again.So,you can take exercise,be busy with social activities,gossip with family members or friends.
Sexual intercourse:When you wish to see again,you do sex with your wife.This is so much helpful.
Stick with your decision:You shouldn't forget the decision what is 
taken by you.

How to improve your sexual ability

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Health benefits of Pineapple

Nutrients:Pineapple contains vitamin-C,vitamin-B6,potassium,
minerals which are essential for our health.
Weight loss:Pineapple doesn't contain high amount of calories.So,
it is helpful for them who want to loss weight.But don't
worry who are thin.
Cancer Prevention:Vitamin-C,Vitamin-A,beta-carotene of pineapples helps to prevent cancers.Such as blood cancer,oral cancer,throat cancer,breast cancer etc.
Immune system:Pineapple is a rich source of Vitamin-C.This is
mainly reduce illness and boost immune system. 

19 Nov 2016

Bad effects of cleaning beards

Bad effects on eyes:There is connection between the eyes and beards.When you clean beards it affects your sensors of eyes.
Effects on skin:Beards protect your skin from UV radiation comes from sun.It helps to prevent skin cancer and keep your skin youthful.Makes your skin smooth Saves from Asthma and Allergy also.
Infections:You didn't need to worry about bacterial infection,ingrowths,folliculitis. But if you shave regularly you will face problems with these.
Sex:Believe it or not  that there is a connection between beard growth and the potential for sex.If you keep beards it makes you sexually strong.On the contrary shaving regularly makes you weak with sex.
Waste of time:Dr. Herbert Mescon of Boston University calculate that if anyone start shaving in 15(age) he will spend 3350 hours approximately when he is 55.Which is about 139 full days.Also spent thousands of dollars by buying razors,shaving cream,lotions etc.
Love of women:It is natural that beards grow only on men's face and women got long hair.As we are attracted with long hair of woman,they are also attracted and simply feel love with beards.

Health benefits of Coconut

1.Coconut contains potassium,magnesium,copper,
  cytokynin,antioxidants and some calories.
2.Coconut is a natural source of providing you quick energy.We          drink some energy drinks or soft drinks to get energy but they           have many bad effects on health.
3.It reduces the chance of diabetes by insulin secretion.
4.Improves the digestion system(by keeping stomach strong),keeps    your blood pressure normal,protect you against kidney diseases.
5.Helps to reduce inflammation,arthritis.Protects you from many cancers,gallbladder diseases,pancreatitis etc.
6.Helps you to get strong muscle.
5.Coconut is anti-bacterial,anti-fungal,anti-parasite.For these reason it improves your immune system.

Some interesting search facts in google

1.Type "google tilt" then click "I'm feeling lucky" it will be tilt for       you.
2.Type "google underwater" then click "I'm feeling lucky", see             what happened.
3.Type "google gravity" then "click I'm feeling lucky" ,the search         bar  fall down.
4.Type "google sphere" then click "I'm feeling lucky" ,see what           happened.
5.Type "google pond" then click "I'm feeling lucky",then move           your cursor here  and there.
6.Type "google barrel roll" then click "I'm feeling lucky" ,see what    happened.

Some amazing/interesting facts about human body

1.There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in adult human body.
2.Jaw muscle is the strongest muscle in human body.
3.Everyone has a unique tounge like fingerprints.
4.Eyes are blinking in waking hours,but the rate may varies person    to person.
5.Human eyes is the best camera.
6.Bones are composed with 31% water.
7.The DNA in your body would stretch 10 billion miles long.
8.In a lifetime human heart pump 1.5 million barrels of blood              nearly,Which can fill 200 train tank cars.

Why you should cut your long nails

Now a days keeping long nails turns to be big fashion.But it is not good for us.I want to try in this post why someone should cut his/her long nails.

Bacteria:Longer nails carrying harmful bacteria and yeast.These bacteria can enter our body through nails at the time of eating.

Pain:Long nails disturbs your natural growth rate of nail.It can causes pain.

Waste of time:Those who have long nails,most of them spend time to maintain it.

Typing:Typing on mobile or desktop is getting hard if you have long nails.

Scratch:It may cause serious scratch on any part of body.Mostly on face while you want to fresh.

Hold things:When you want to hold or grab or grip something you face difficulty.

Health benefits of papaya

Papaya is a kind of fruit which is full with nutrients.For this it is very healthy for us.

Vitamins:It contains Vitamin-C(more than lemons or oranges),Vitamin-A,Vitamin-complex,riboflavin,thiamin,
potassium,calcium etc which is important for our health.

Prevent cancer:Papaya can prevent colon cancer(Japanese research),prostate cancer because it contains beta-carotene.

Digestion:It contains an enzyme named papain,high amount of fiber which makes our digestion easy.

Heart:Potassium,fiber and vitamins in papaya keeps our heart strong.Also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Strong bones:Papaya contains vitamin-k which made our bone strong.If anyone suffers with fractured bone it will be very helpful.

How to gain weight

Gaining weight is more difficult than loss weight.But if you following the tips below may be you can gain your weight.

1.Eat more often in a day,but not eating so much at a time.

2.Eat high calorie ,high protein foods
  >Meats(but not pork)   >Fish
  >Eggs                           >Milk
  >Avocados                   >Brown rice
  >Oatmeal etc

3.Get enough sleep,should sleep early at night,wake up early in the 

4.Don't keep your mind in tension,feel free.It is very important.

5.If you have a bad habit like masturbation,watching porn please stop it immediately.It harms your health a lot.

Related Article
  Rules of Eating
  Rules of Sleeping

How to loss weight naturally

1.The most important thing is that not not eat so much at a time.
2.Avoid to eat something which has stored more sugars and starches.
   >different types of ice-cream
   >energy/fizzy drinks(pepsi,coca-cola)
   >some fast foods
these makes your insulin level high and makes you more fat.
3.Eat proteins
  >Fish and seafood
  >Meat(cow,chicken).But must not eat pork.
4.Eat vegetables and lemons
  >Cauliflower   >Cabbage
  >Broccoli      >Spinach
  >Kale          >Cucumber
These will also helps to improve your digestion.
5.Avoid alcohol
6.Try to avoid unprocessed foods,eat your foods slowly.
7.Get enough sleep,should sleep early at night,wake up early in the 

14 Nov 2016

How to care laptop battery

Some rules to extend your laptop battery life

1.Avoid Discharging:Don't discharge your battery fully.Keep your battery charged up 40% to 80% is a good habit.But if you always keep it 100% it's not  bad if your battery made with lithium-ion.Because it has charge-discharge cycles .

2.Keep cool: Don't allowing your laptop too hot,check your cooling fan work properly or not.

3.Hibernate mode:Don't force your laptop to be hibernate in order
 save charge.

4.Long time inactivity:A depleted battery can die forever,so recharge it soon.

5.Hot place:Don't leave your laptop in hot place,careful about direct sunlight,keep it away from hot things.

6.OS update:Keep your OS updated.Because these companies try to  upgrade things to use less power.Do it for other software's also.

Bad effects of eating pigs

Disease:Eating pigs causes some diseases like diabetes,osteoporosis,arthritis,asthma,impotence
,heart diseases etc .
Carries virus:Pigs carries tapeworm,HEV,Nipah virus,Menangle 
virus,PRRS etc.
Body effect:It harms your digestive system,respiratory system,immune system,your brain,makes you lazy.It also causes headache,muscle pain,high fever.
Obesity:The meats of pig can cause the obesity.
Cancer:It causes blood cancer,liver cancer,breast cancer.
Sexual problems:It damages your sexual power,which affects your fertility.A very important fact is that pigs carries a gene for which it want's to share his wife with others.If you eat pigs this bad habits comes to you also.

Be careful about it and stop it from today.

Harmful of hearing songs(with music)

Most of people who can't live a day without hearing songs,they think songs(with music) can refreshed their minds.But it is a wrong idea.Here I try to describe some effects

Effects on body:Vibration of sound affects the nervous system,shocks to your muscle in rhythmically  which is bad for the connection of hands,legs,feet with your brain which can cause paralysis.

Music increases the rate of heart-beat which makes your heart weak.Narrows your blood vessel,makes your blood pressure high

Effects on brain:In a research 18 people divided in two groups.
Group 1:no music
Group 2:dis harmonic music 
After two months the neurons(by which our brain thinking) of the people of Group 2 were tangled and damaged but the neurons of the people of Group 1 were normal.Members of Group 1 can solve some difficult mathematical problems.But Group 2 can't solve.

Psychology:Most of the songs are full of emotion and most lines are imaginary.By hearing these lines a person also thinking something this way and turns him out of real life.

So,please stop it.It will be difficult but you have to do it.

13 Nov 2016

Bad effects of overeating

Man eat to live.But overeating is dangerous for health.Here some bad effects of over eating described below.

Digestion:Overeating made effects on digestion.If we eat so much your digestive system couldn't work properly.You feel uncomfortable for this.
Weight gain and obesity:It causes unhealthy weight on your body and makes you obese.
Whole body affected:Overeating causes problems on your respiratory system,immune system.Makes your heart weak.Damages your liver,Kidney,stomach.Causes high blood 
pressure also.
Laziness:It is very important that overeating makes you so much      lazy.You can't do any work properly.

12 Nov 2016

Harmful effects of soft drinks

Those people who are drinking soft drinks ,it's now time to give up these habit .Because scientists said that these soft drinks have many harmful effects on our health.Someone claimed it is more dangerous than smoking.I want to describe some effects here .

Risk of cancer: The chance of pancreatic cancer,prostate cancer,breast cancer or other cancer will be increased day by day.
Heart:American  scientists found that soft drinks can cause for heart disease.Drinking three cans per day triples the probability of heart disease.
Liver damage:It can causes your liver damage.It also leads to Type 2 diabetes.
Premature aging:The ingredient phosphate in soft drinks can cause to speed up the aging process .It causes chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular calcification  also.
Teeth:These drinks contain high reactive solvents,soda which is harmful for teeth and enamel.
Obesity:It causes to make us fat.But if you think I am thin.It will be good for me to be fat.Your thinking is wrong.It's better to eat foods which contains fat.

So,we should careful about these soft/fizzy drinks to avoid these bad effects.

11 Nov 2016

Harmful effects of late night sleeping

Sleep at late night is a big problem for the new generation.It causes many bad effects on our health.

1.Stress:Sleeping at late night causes stress.For this when you're at workplace you can't focus to do something attentively .

2.Headache:It causes headaches and back aches.
3.Diseases:A hormone named cortisol releases from our body  which increases  blood pressure and slow down the cell    regeneration for sleeping late night. It can causes diabetes and hypertension also.
4.Obesity:Sleeping late night may causes obesity or makes you thinner if you are thin .

5.Dark spot:It causes dark spot or circles under your eyes which affects  your beauty.Pimples or other kinds skin problems may appear.

6.Digestive system:Your digestive system get affected .You suffer 
 constipation,frequent hyper acidity,indigestion etc.
7.Sex:Remember that which is bad for health ,it is bad for your sex also.

Bad/negative effects of using cellphone .

Cellphone is the part and parcel in our daily life.But it has some demerits also.Here I try to describe it.

1.Concentration:During study or doing any types of work you can't concentrate more if you are addicted on social media.It reduces your ability to focus on something.
2.Sickness:By typing,swiping,tapping mobile screen get germ packed.When you touch it some viruses and bacteria comes your hand finally in your body.You may not fall  sick instantly ,but it causes bad consequences.
3.Vision:Using phone too close to your eyes causes eye strain,dry eye and blurred  vision.It causes headaches also.
4.Hearing:Radiation emitted from mobile causes damage of  delicate working of your  ear.Who spends more than two or more    hours with phone talking ,very much chance  face problem on  hearing.
5.Cancer:The radiation of cellphone damage your brain.In the long term it leads to  brain cancer.
6.Sleeping problems:Many users face problem with sleeping at night.They try to sleep  but they can't sleep early.
7.Fertility:Maximum people brings their mobile on pocket.But the radiation or heat of mobile making harmful effect on your sperm which damage your fertility.

Some bad habits makes you sexually weak

Some bad habits makes your sexual power weak.It is important to know about these habits.Believe it or not this is a true list.

2.Watching porn
4.Overeating or eating vegetarian foods only
5.Taking any types of drugs for sex
5.Sleeping at late night and wake up late,
  sleeping at the time of sun rise and sun set 
6.Wearing tight cloths
7.Cleaning beards 
8.Not cleaning the genitals hair (around your penis), hair under navel,armpit  hair between 40 days.

Harmful effects of smoking

We all are know that smoking is bad for our health.But many people do it.I just say them please give up this bad habit.Some harmful effect of smoking listed below

  1.First of all it affects your lungs and natural breathing.Day by day you feel  uncomfortable with your breathing.But you can't feel it if you are new smoker.
  2.Smoking also cause cancer in lungs,trachea,oral cavity,lip,nasal cavity  larynx,stomach,kidney,liver etc.
  3.Smoking causes emphysema,chronic bronchitis,            pneumonia,tuberculosis also.

  4.Smoking affects your blood circulation.It leads to blood cancer.

  5.It harms your respiratory system.

  6.Most importantly it damage the power of your sex and fertility.It causes  early sperm out which dissatisfied your wife.
  7.It's very harmful for pregnancy and child birth.Affects the child's health  .Such as low birth weight,high blood pressure,development of diabetes etc.
  8.Smoking affects your skin by the toxic chemical.It causes wrinkling of skin.

Harmful effect of masturbation

Masturbation is a big problem for the young person and teenagers .They are encouraged by their friends or others.Now it's easy to watch porn .For this reason this habit increased day by day.
Someone may suggest you that there is some health benefits of masturbation.But believe that there's nothing good for you,it's only harmful to you

I try to list these below

  1.Masturbation makes your body weak.It causes many sex related diseases.

  2.It results erectile dysfunction.

  3.Masturbation turns your mind and soul stress and strain.

  4.It causes early sperm out  during sex with your wife which is
   the cause of dissatisfaction to your wife.

  5.It reduces the quantity of your sperm during sex.

  6.It reduces your interest making sex with your wife.

  7.Masturbation makes your memory weak and your thinking ability.

  8.You can't concentrate to do any work,loss your motivation.

  9.Headache,premature ejaculation,lower back pain,                       anxiety,insomnia impotence these are the results of                        masturbation.

  10.It causes for the suicidal thoughts also.

So,please stop it for your own happiness . 

30 Oct 2016

Pornography/watching porn ,How much harmful

The harmful effects of pornography/Watching porn can't be described in words.But I try to write some major effects of it.

 1.First of all it harms your sexual ability.It caused so much           damage on your sex.

 2.You didn't get satisfaction doing sex with your wife if you are porn addicted.

 3.It causes many more diseases related on sex.Also decreases power to prevent other diseases.

 4.You can't so much active on any work.Get so much angry by normal things.Nothing can be very interested to you.

 5.It harms your brain,could not solve hard problems,decreases your creativity also,can't memorize something easily.

 6.Day by day sexual crime is increased like rape for this addiction.

 7.The person who watch porn regularly have a higher tolerance for abnormal sexuality, including  rape,sexual aggression,promiscuity. 

 8.The interest of good family relation loss by it.

These are only some effects.You can search to know many more about it.You hardly believe it.

23 Oct 2016

Benefits of Dates for our health

The benefits of dates for our health is so many.
    1. It is full of vitamins .It also contains iron,potassium,oil,             
         copper,sulphur etc.

 2.It helps to strong our bone and muscle.

    3.It prevents Anemia,Allergies,Night Blindness,Diarrhea,Abdominal cancer
   4.It contains glucose,fructose,sucrose.Which helps us to boost our energy.

5 Jan 2016

Some health benefits of honey.

Honey is one kind of natural gift for human being.It is very helpful for our health.
  1.Honey contains some types of vitamins,minerals,calcium,niacin,pantothenic
  2.It can make your immune system strong.
  3.Having anti-bacterial properties,it can work as a natural antiseptic.
  4.It also boosts your memory and energy levels.
  5.Makes your digestion easy.
  6.It can help to take a sound sleep.
  7.Most importantly it can reduce the risk of cancers(different  types) and heart diseases by
     containing flavonoids,antioxidants.
  8.It also treat your allergy problem.